NASA Plot Of Earth's Albedo Correlates Strongly With GlobalTemperature
On Mar 24, 9:29*am, Tom P wrote:
So - why should the possibility of a cyclic variation in the albedo
driven by the sun, which presumably has existed for eternities, be more
important in your opinion than the 40% increase in atmospheric CO2 due
to human activity?
••*When 1- you provide proof of the increase in atmospheric
CO2 was_due_ to_human_activity;
2- you provide proof that CO2 causes global warming
3- when you provide proof that you are not an horses
Then I will tell you why the sun is the sole driver of
Earth's climate. (With a bit of help from cosmic rays)
- -
The evidence from Mars destroys the notion
that humans are responsible for warming
Earth. Mars has global warming, but without
a greenhouse and without the participation of
Dr Habibullo Abdussamatov