An outlandish summer forecast
On Mar 28, 6:46*am, "Col" wrote:
"smallbabe" wrote in message
On Mar 27, 7:57 pm, "Col" wrote:
"smallbabe" wrote in message
He is also the first to hold up his hands and admit when one of
his forecasts goes wrong.
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
Does he Col? Have you always Will? Where's the evidence? Where's the
evidence for any single Internet weather group forecaster/ hunch-
merchant being of any use whatsoever? In my 6 years of Internet
weather groups I haven't found a single one (and I really do mean not
a single one - if there is one, someone show me and if no-one does, or
no-one comes forward with their own records, it proves my point
perfectly) that has tracked their record in public, gone back to
analyse each and every forecast, published percentage accuracy figures
on a continuous forecast-by-forecast basis and thus has left no legacy
of any forecasting prowess whatsoever. Internet weather group
"forecasting" is based on pure guesswork and though the guesswork mey
well be portrayed with excellent meteorologocal knowledge,
nevertheless, it is pure guesswork.
I'll bet you a pound to a penny that this, perfectly rational and
wholly accurate criticism, is met not with acceptance, but with
incredulance, sycophantic anectdotal evidence of the brilliance of
favoured forecasters, dismissiveness and outright anger, which will
lead to insults. The desire to protect the "forecaster" (no matter how
idiotic the basis for the forecast and no matter how useless the
outcomes of that person's guesses over time) from the savage attacks
of commonsense and truth, overrides everything else and the
"forecaster's" reputation is perpetuated, usually at the expense of
the inquisitor.
Let me repeat again: there isn't a single internet weather forecaster,
at any range over 1 week, who is of any use whatsoever. If there
is.......someone produce the evidence to show me that there is and
I'll change my mind.
PS That applies to the idiot who thinks he has solved the problem of
forecasting earthquakes too. As soon as I debunked that, by actually
following and analysing his forecasts, sulks, insults and profanities
were offered in place of evidence that the forecasts were in any way