Newsgroup Rage
On Mar 31, 9:02*pm, smallbabe wrote:
On Mar 31, 8:36*pm, "Will Hand" wrote:
Nick Gardner wrote:
Very interesting. TBH I'm always much more suspicious of people who do not
use their own name on the InterNet and/or provide an e-mail that bounces.
I'm always left wondering what have they got to hide? Until you get to know
them a bit better of course!
Or, it could be that they are completely right in what they say. I've
lost track of the number of people that described you as "smug". After
my final dealings with you last autumn, it was very, very easy to see
why they did.
It's true that Will can be a little smug occasionally but this is
a tiny fault compared with your bullying rudeness. After all, his
original posting which set all this off was a model of modesty and
self-effacement and stated quite clearly it was no more than a hunch.
It was almost as if he knew you were round the corner with your bottle
of vitriol. No wonder we all hate you.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.