Catoni wrote:
if you guys can use one or two hot summers in Australia, why can't
we use eight or ten years?
marcodbeast wrote:
" They don't, so you can't."
You're a liar marcodbeast.
And everyone here that has been following the posts now know
that you are a liar.
Or else you just don't follow threads here very well.
Which one is it?
It's all here in this groups archives.
AGW Alarmists implying that the hot weather in Australia was
because of Global Warming.
marcodbeast wrote;
"Denialist for "I'm sorry, but I couldn't find one example anywhere
of what
I foolishly claimed was common practice." lol
If you do, let me know. Until then, this is just one more of your
many hateful lies."
I'm delighted to show you for the fool that you are.
You poor ignorant idiot. How you will continue to post in this group
after proving to even your AGW buddies what an idiot that you are is
Here is some evidence from the archives that you are too lazy to
look for. You claim, as is seen plainly, that no one has implied that
Global Warming is the cause of Australian heat waves.
Here is proof that you are a liar, or just plain ignorant and too
lazy to check it yourself.
Sorted by relevance Sort by date
277 results for heatwave in Australia
What does the south australian heatwave tell us about AGW?
2009_Southeastern_Australia_heat_wave 2009 Southeastern Australia heat
wave Many
locations through the region have reached all-time high temperatures,
reaching its third-highest ...
(Implication..... Global Warming)
Hey, Bonzo, even the Australians are worried Options
Federal Climate Change Minister Penny Wong says the heatwave
gripping south-east Australia
is part of what scientists predicted would happen. "All of this is
consistent with climate
change, and all of this is consistent with what scientists told us
would happen."
(Implication - Global Warming)
Counting the Cost of Australia's Heat Wave: the grape crop Options
AUSTRALIA's wine crush could already be down 20 per cent as
unrelenting heat continues in major growing regions.
The heat wave is expected to continue through the weekend -
temperatures in the 40s are forecast as grapes are sunburnt and vines
But the full effects of the damage will not be known for at least
another week.
(Implication - Global Warming)
Do you want more marcodbeast? Do you still claim they don't use it
to imply Global Warming? Do you still say that we can't use our own
examples for eight or ten years?
See what a God damned hypocrite you are.
See what an idiot you are.
See what a liar you are.
More examples?
Climate change and Australia's health Options
We're likely to see a sharp rise in deaths from heatwaves,
especially in elderly
people with chronic heart and lung disease, in our cities and
suburbs .......
(Implication - Global Warming)
Record-breaking heat scorches southern Australia Options
Sometimes people get in this state because of excessive temperatures
caused by
the heatwave in Australia. There is a heatwave in "Australia"? What,
all of it?
Ok, tell us more about it.......
(Implication - Global Warming)
"parched-australia-faces-collap*se-as-climate-change-kicks-in" by
Harry Hope post: From The Independent, 2/1/09:http://
world/aust ralasia/parched-australia- faces-collapse-as-climate-change-
1522529.html Parched: Australia faces collapse as climate change kicks
Geoffrey Lean and Kathy Marks report on the worst heatwave..........
(Implication- Global Warming)
What that you say marcodbeast? They don't use Australia heat
waves to imply Global Warming?
Correct me if I'm wrong.. but isn't this the alt.global_warming
group? Obviously by posting references to Australia heat waves, they
imply that they are caus4d by Global Warming.
So we can use the many cases of record cold temperatures, record
snow, winters colder then usual etc. to imply Global Cooling if we
wish. Thankyou very much.
Now that you have been shown not just by one example, but many
examples, and there are many more where they come from, I'll be
expecting an apology.
marcodbeast, you are a liar. And a fact. You poor fool.