The BBC is obsessed with Global Warming.
I am also fed up with listening to reports on the BBC of Ivan being the
worst Hurricane to hit Jamaica for 50 years. Have they never heard of
Hurricane Gilbert. ??
Gilbert was a strong CAT-4 when it hit and became a CAT 5 soon after. The
island was devastated by Gilbert.(Gilbert went on to become the biggest and
strongest hurricane observed in the western Hempisphere, and was a true
The BBC these days is getting more and more on my nerves for innacurate
"Keith (Southend)" wrote in message

Can't beleive what I just saw/heard on the BBC news. Basically
suggesting that the increased hurricane activity this year is due to
warmer seas, hinting that global warming is behind this, showing a
graph of the steady increase in sea temperatures. Also saying more
hurricane are making landfall than ever before, maybe more notiveable
because people have moved into hurricane locations. No mention of
other factors like El Nino, shear (sorry Joe Public use them in the
garden!) etc. I seem to remember the NHC (National Hurricane Centre)
forecasted a more active season for this year last spring. Why does
the media solve the case with just one shread of evidence in a far
more complex subject. Bah. Perhaps the Met Office should refuse to
speak to the media g
Keith (Southend)
'Weather Home & Abroad'
COL Station for Southend-on-Sea
Reply to: kreh'at'southendweather'dot'net
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