In message
RWood wrote:
On Apr 7, 8:10*pm, Graham P Davis wrote:
Once an for all, we cannot prevent climate change. *Never have and
never will. *We lack the knowledge for one thing, and our insistence
of overestimating the effect of CO2 is only hindering research and
blinding us to other possibilities.
There's no overestimation of the effect of CO2. No-one is ignoring other
explanations for GW but no other explanation has been proved credible. I
never fail to be surprised by the way that anti-AGW people seem to think
that they've discovered something new when they waffle on about natural
cycles, changes in solar output and variations in the Earth's orbit as
though they have discovered something new and revolutionary.
Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks., UK. *E-mail: newsman not newsboy
They are desperately short of arguments, so like to portray themselves
as latter-day Galileos. The further they have to retreat into a
corner, the shriller they will become.
I think we can now see this happening with the supporters of the CO2
theory, as it becomes more and more apparent that their predications
are wrong. Trying to claim retropectively that although they got it
wrong, that doesn't disprove the theory is getting more and more thin,
I'm afraid.
Back in 1986, they were predicting serious problems by the year 2000.
When it didn't happen, it was pushed further into the future. When
cooling happened instead of the predicted warming, well, it was still
CO2 that was driving it (even though we saw no decrease in CO2
Will someone from the pro-AGW side please tell me what the climate
would need to do to disprove this theory. Because if there isn't a
robust test that would disprove it, the theory cannot be regarded as
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