Climate fears 'being realised''
On Apr 9, 12:45*pm, Jim Kewley wrote:
In message ,
Will someone from the pro-AGW side please tell me what the climate
would need to do to disprove this theory. *Because if there isn't a
robust test that would disprove it, the theory cannot be regarded as
I'll be honest and admit to having very little scientific knowledge and
can't say either way whether AGW is fact or not.
Having said that, I followed the link to your website which seems to
indicate that you are an evangelical Christian. *Sorry to say I find it
hard to accept anything uttered by evangelical Christians as worthy of
consideration. *It's my bet that you think ex-US President Bush was a
good man.
That destroys any credibility from the outset. I suggest that "Martin"
join the cranks on Australia's Weatherzone - full of creationists.