On Thu, 9 Apr 2009 08:14:22 +0100
"For example: John Smith" wrote:
Paul Hyett wrote:
Am I the only one who instantly changes channel as soon as they start
wittering on about man-made global warming being responsible for every
little climate fluctuation?
IMO, the warming trend, if it is in fact real rather than a
statistical artefact, is overwhelming natural.
According to Occam (.... the simplest explanation is the most likely), it IS
most likely to be natural.
Actually I'd have thought the simplest explanation is that we're causing
it rather than completely coincidentaly the earth has embarked upon a
warming trend in line with rising CO2 levels from human activity.
Of course using occams razor you could say that because trees have been
falling down on their own for billions of years there obviously no such
thing as lumberjacks.
But even if it's not, the simple fact remains that the global system has
seen vastly more dramatic changes than we currently see - even until quite
recently (the Middle Ages).
The current hysteria must also be understood in the broader context of how
it began - an active and well-funded drive instigated by Thatcher to villify
CO-2, in a bid to reduce UK reliance on Middle-Eastern oil imports and
decrease public resistance to a shift to nuclear electricity generation.
Yes , obviously it all began with thatcher on this little island. International
enviromental organisations and climate scientists had nothing to do with it.
The French who now get more than 50% of its power requirements from nuclear
fission, must be laughing at the backward English.
More than likely.