Bozo Is Whacko!
rpautrey2 wrote:
On Apr 7, 1:43 am, "oonbz" wrote:
Looks like rationality in the population will eventually dominate.
April 7 2009
Victoria's annual road toll has halved since 1989.
For one group, however, numbers are trending in the opposite
Cycling injuries have soared in Victoria in recent years .
Research by doctors at The Alfred hospital and Monash University
found the number of cyclists at emergency departments between 2001
and 2006 had risen 42 per cent, hospital admissions by 16 per cent
and major trauma by 76 per cent.
A hospital tax - say, at a rate of around 120 per cent - should be
added to the price of bicycles.
These people are overloading the system.
Or you could tax the cars that are running them down.
Naaaahhh! Tax the victims. It's only fair.