Threats to Global Warming Researcher: I Can't Prove it But Believe Me Anyway
"Ms. 2" wrote in message ...
Global Warming Researcher: I Can't Prove it But Believe Me Anyway
By Bob Ellis on April 7th, 2009
CNS News points to a global warming doom-crier who claims anthropogenic
global warming is melting arctic ice.but who can't prove a link.
"The maximum sea ice extent for 2008-09, reached on Feb. 28, was 5.85
million square miles," according to the NSDIC researcher. "That is 278,000
square miles less than the average extent for 1979 to 2000."
Let me do a little math and illustrate what this means. 278,000 square
miles less than the 5,850,000 average for the last 30 years is (drum roll
please).about 4.5% less than the average.
Translation="Big woop." In a poll, this would be called "margin of
error." In almost any analysis this would be deemed a simple variance.
Don't worry. When it's all gone it will be really easy to measure accuratly.