Climate documentaries
On Apr 9, 8:31*am, Angus Rodgers wrote:
Paul Hyett wrote:
Am I the only one who instantly changes channel as soon as they start
wittering on about man-made global warming being responsible for every
little climate fluctuation?
IMO, the warming trend, if it is in fact real rather than a
statistical artefact, is overwhelming natural.
If you're so uninterested in the topic that you instantly switch
channel when it is discussed, then why express an opinion on it?
According to Occam .... the simplest explanation is the most likely
Just supposing that I can bear to actually try to learn anything
about this important subject, does anyone have any book and/or
website recommendations?
You are asking the impossible until you learn to read.
Or am I missing something in the OP's post that states an opinion
based on nothing more than popular telefiction?
(But don't waste too much effort trying to educate me, while I'm
so unwilling to educate myself!)
As if!