On Thu, 09 Apr 2009 09:22:36 +0100, Sofa - Spud
Sam Nelson wrote:
In article 62b1c975-3458-4e8e-9801-9ac9143889b9
@k8g2000yqn.googlegroups.com, says...
On 9 Apr, 08:59, Paul Hyett wrote:
Am I the only one who instantly changes channel as soon as they start
wittering on about man-made global warming being responsible for every
little climate fluctuation?
IMO, the warming trend, if it is in fact real rather than a statistical
artefact, is overwhelming natural.
Is this increase in the number of climate documentaries man-made or a
natural phenomenom?
Even if it is man-made, I don't think there's anything we can do about
There is a lot less localised pollution than 35 years ago thats for
sure, I see more Buzzards , Heron and Kingfishers than I ever did as a
child in the urban Canals. In the canals there are huge shoals of very
large fish - I see them regularly as well as myriads of nesting birds
including swans. When I was small it was yellow and had oil slicks on it
from discharged slurry oils .
You had oil in your canals? you lucky lucky *******. We could walk
over ours and the newspapers on our feet never even got damp.
The days of foam flying in the air from the weir, and black bogies
after a day at work are long gone, all the industry has buggered off
to China. The worst polluters now are dog owners and litter louts.