On Sun, 12 Apr 2009 22:38:29 +0000, Sam Wormley wrote:
Marvin the Martian wrote:
Let's judge:
Anthropogenic Global warming hypothesis: Based on science that says it
can't work. Brief period of correlation during the 1990s. Used Curve
fitting to make pre determined conclusion fit their hypothesis. Fails
to predict.
Svensmark Theory: based on science that says it should work. Has 4.5
billion years of agreement. Predicted last 10 years as well.
Unbaised judgment: Svensmark's theory.
The whole IPCC hockey stick fraud was an attempt to fool people into
thinking that the solar correlation was broken in the late 1990s.
You appear to have some strong biases.
Let's see... Some Danish group publishes a paper that says that Solar
cycle and climate change is strongly correlated, much more strongly
correlated than CO2.
Advocates of AGW claim that there was a dramatic increase in Global
temperature that breaks the correlation found by the Danish group.
Danish group recants.
But people note that upper atmosphere data doesn't agree with the AGWs.
They study the AGW claim of dramatic increase and find: The data
included data from areas that once were rural but now are urban heat
islands. When the urban heat islands were removed, once again follows
the Danish groups correlation with solar cycle. The inclusion of UHI
was either gross stupidity, or outright fraud.
If you would be so kind as to cite your sources, I'd like to have a
read through of them. Thanks.
If you were really serious about it, you'd already know about the hockey
stick fiasco and the urban heat centers.
And Svensmark? All you had to do was Google.
nah. I've done this too many times before; give a bunch of cites, and
then you never dismiss them all in one massive argumentum ad hominem. Had
you not been playing this "waste the oppositions time" game, you'd have
looked them up yourself.
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