"Ms. 2" wrote in message news:4ByGl.24224$PH1.14198@edtnps82...
"Benj" wrote
Obama is poison to Al Gore
The debate is now OVER!
**** that. The Second America Civil War is only beginning, white man.
There is talk of secession everywhere. Obama is shaking hands with every
communist or Ayatollah that comes his way. Obama does not have the guns to
enforce his decrees.
The First American Civil War (1861-1865):
The beginning of the US oil industry (1859):
"The US petroleum industry began with Edwin Drake's drilling of a 69-foot
(21 m) oil well in 1859, on Oil Creek near Titusville, Pennsylvania, for the
Seneca Oil Company (originally yielding 25 barrels per day (4.0 m^3/d), by
the end of the year output was at the rate of 15 barrels per day (2.4
It is no accident, that cheap energy made the energy of black slaves
economically redundant and The First American Civil War followed the
discovery of oil at Titusville, Pennsylvania by only two years. It is a
simple example of economic determinism, science that Obama ignores at his
own risk.