EPA takes first step toward climate change regs
On Apr 19, 12:46*am, Peter Muehlbauer
As a climatologist, I am emphatically saying publicly that the EPA is
correct about greenhouse gases.
Of course... real climatologists post via Google, use anonymous names and
invalid domains.
Connecting to UK.whois-servers.net...
* * Error for "abmcdonald.freeserve.co.uk".
* * This domain cannot be registered because it contravenes the Nominet UK
* * naming rules. *The reason is:
* * * the domain name contains too many parts.
"abmcdonald.freeserve.co.uk". is not a domain name. It is part of an e-
mail address.
Moreover, I doubt there are any scientists who post with their real e-
mail addresses on newsgroups since the are an open invitation to
spammers as you ) well know. So where
is your web page?
Cheers, Alastair