[OBS] Romsey - Thursday 23rd April 2009
Although the fog cleared at 0805Z, low Stratus persists.
The position of the sun is visible but no shadows are cast
as of 0850Z. Small breaks in the cloud are appearing in
the northeast. Current ob:
SYNOP 23/0850Z
03/// 41230 71802 10081 20076 40243 50000 72842
876// 333 87703=
EG// 230850Z 18002KT 3000 BR BKN003 08/08 Q////
wind... S, force 1.
visibility... 3000m.
weather... cloudy with mist.
clouds... 7/8 St nebulosus, base 300ft.
dry bulb... +8.1C.
dewpoint... +7.6C.
RH... 96%.
sea level pressure... 1024.3mb.
max temp yesterday... +16.9C.
min temp last night... +6.3C.
rainfall last 24 hours... 0.0mm.
beaufort letters (0750-0850Z)... cff,cm.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)
40m amsl