On Apr 23, 8:53*am, James Brown
The idea that the radiation from the sun is a constant (solar
constant) is based on an 18th Century concept that God created the
world and then let it like run a clockwork machine, al la Newton.
Cheers, Alastair.
I'm not sure that your reference to Newton is correct Alastair. AFAIK he
believed specifically in intervention rather than a purely docetist view
(e.g.comets). I get rather concerned with the factuality of sweeping
generalisations as to the origins of scientific understanding, much as
some of the origins of language can at times be ambiguous.
James Brown
I didn't mean that 17th C Newton thought that. I was referring to the
18th C Deists who thought that the Newton had proved that the world/
universe was like a clockwork machine, but even they probably did not
all believe the same things.
I have not gone into it very deeply so I may be wrong, and am very
willing to hear more about it.
Cheers, Alastair.