I looked up Deism on Wikipedia and found this:
Freedom and necessity
Enlightenment thinkers, under the influence of Newtonian science,
tended to view the universe as a vast machine, created and set in
motion by a creator being, that continues to operate according to
natural law, without any divine intervention.
I guess this is really OT now, but just a couple of comments. I think we
run into two sets of issues
1. The danger of regarding wikipedia or for that matter, any other web
page as the ultimate in truth :-(( E.g. elsewhere you can read of his
relationship with Anglicanism:
'Although he appreciated its universalist humanitarianism, he was by no
means a deist inasmuch as he believed in a personal God, omniscient and
omnipotent, but, above all, immanent not only had He created the
universe, but He keeps it under constant surveillance and intervenes in
a providential way from time to time (e.g., paths of comets).'
2. The difference between an original thinker and his/her disciples.
Newton certainly had a breadth of vision which may not have been shared
by those who came after him.
Many thanks Alastair for your responses
James Brown