[OBS] Romsey - Thursday 23rd April 2009
Full cover of thick Cirrostratus this evening; only the very
brightest stars are discernible.
SYNOP 23/0850Z
03/// 41230 71802 10081 20076 40243 50000 72842
876// 333 87703=
SYNOP 23/2050Z (current ob)
03/// 42970 81103 10099 20051 40202 56006 80007
333 88270=
EG// 232050Z 11003KT CAVOK 10/05 Q//// BLU=
wind... ESE, force 1.
visibility... 20km.
weather... cloudy.
clouds... 8/8 Cs nebulosus, base 20000ft.
dry bulb... +9.9C.
dewpoint... +5.1C.
RH... 72%.
sea level pressure... 1020.2mb.
max temp today... +17.0C.
rainfall last 12 hours... 0.0mm.
beaufort letters (1950-2050Z)... c.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)
40m amsl