On 25 Apr, 08:32, Graham Easterling
64.5mm overnight, but much more just to the north over the moors (take
a look at the stationery white echo atwww.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/radar/index.html
I suspect overnight totals 100mm above St Ives. A real test for the
new flood defence work The stream in my garden is at it's highest
level since we moved in Aug '07. Still raining
Got to go out - more details later.
There are a number of news stories appearing now. A regular statement
is that parts of west Cornwall received 50% of the normal April
rainfall in 12 hours. In fact locally it was 100% in nearer 6 hours.
There has been extensive flooding. 2 hotels in St Ives had to be
evacuated. It now appears that the new flood defense scheme didn't
help much