End Cover-Up On Global Cooling!
On May 4, 9:09*am, Eeyore
qqq_qqq wrote:
columbiaaccidentinvestigation wrote:
On May 3, 7:18 am, Bill Ward wrote:"
The warm gas then convects up
near the tropopause, where the energy can finally be radiated to space"
You seem to be missing some steps, care to correct your post, or are
you to lazy?
Bill is not too lazy, Bill is simply argumentative and refuses to
understand that Miskolczi's paper is flawed.
The IPCC is flawed.
••*Even worse than that!
- -
The evidence from Mars destroys the notion that
humans are responsible for warming Earth. Mars
has global warming, but without a greenhouse
and without the participation of Martians.
Dr Habibullo Abdussamatov