May 13th 09, 03:27 PM
posted to alt.global-warming,sci.environment,talk.environment,sci.geo.meteorology
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by Weather-Banter: Dec 2008
Posts: 26
Current Monthly CO2 Level at Least 800,000-Year High!
On May 12, 3:51*pm, Roger Coppock wrote:
CO2 Level at Least 800,000-Year High!
According to the Earth System Research Laboratory of the
US National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, the May
monthly mean CO2 concentration measured at Mauna Loa was
389.47 ppmv. *This is a new maximum for this data set,
the longest term and most frequently referenced CO2 data.
Also, according to the IPCC WG1 AR4 list of robust findings:
* *"Current atmospheric concentrations of CO2 and CH4,
* * and their associated positive radiative forcing,
* * far exceed those determined from ice core
* * measurements spanning the last 650,000 years."
The EPICA Dome C record extends this to 800,000 years.
Please see data from Lüthi, D et al. (2008) athttp://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.710901?format=html
For a graph and curve fit of data taken at Mauna Loa,
please see:http://members.cox.net/rcoppock/CO2-6DegreesFreedom.jpg
Clearly, the atmospheric CO2 concentration is rising
exponentially. *To see this, compare the trend of the
red colored points on the graph I have provided with
a straight line.
These data may be found at:ftp://ftp.cmdl.noaa.gov/ccg/co2/trends/co2_mm_mlo.txt
The yearly means of the 607 points of monthly data follow:
YEAR CO2_ppmv
1958 315.33 * 8 months of data
1959 315.98
1960 316.91
1961 317.64
1962 318.45
1963 318.99
1964 319.20 * 9 months of data
1965 320.04
1966 321.38
1967 322.16
1968 323.04
1969 324.62
1970 325.68
1971 326.32
1972 327.45
1973 329.68
1974 330.17
1975 331.13 * 11 months of data
1976 332.05
1977 333.78
1978 335.41
1979 336.78
1980 338.68
1981 340.11
1982 341.22
1983 342.84
1984 344.22 * 11 months of data
1985 345.87
1986 347.19
1987 348.98
1988 351.45
1989 352.90
1990 354.16
1991 355.48
1992 356.27
1993 356.95
1994 358.64
1995 360.63
1996 362.37
1997 363.47
1998 366.50
1999 368.14
2000 369.40
2001 371.07
2002 373.17
2003 375.78
2004 377.52
2005 379.76
2006 381.85
2007 383.71
2008 385.57
2009 388.15 * 4 months of data
[Watch the fossil fools dust off an ancient archive of
pseudo-science and arcane mathematics in a lame attempt
to challenge these basic facts. *That's entertainment!
One lie that fossil fools frequently fib is that there
is no relationship between CO2 and global mean surface
temperature, or that this relationship has broken down
recently. *For the truth, a scatter-plot of this strong
relationship, please see:
* *http://members.cox.net/rcoppock/TempVsCO2.jpg
N= 51, *R^2 = 0.78
Non-Zero Slope F-statistic: *177.709 on 1 and 49 DF,
p-value: 2.2e-16 *]
Then why aren't temperatures at an 800,000 year high? Huh? Explain
that one.