FLASH!--House Agriculture Chairman Collin Peterson Rejects ClimateBill Hooray!!!
t just hit the wire services that the Democratic Chairman of the House
Agriculture Committee, a very powerful committee stacked with 23
members of the Blue Dog caucus, slammed the Obama-Waxman-Markey cap-
and-trade bill because it would give too much power to EPA
bureaucrats. The quote from Ag Chairman Collin Peterson (D-Minn.):
"I will not support any kind of climate change bill... I don't care.
Even if you fix this. I don't trust anybody anymore."
So at least one key Democrat seems to understand that cap-and-trade
represents a huge transfer of power from the elected branches to EPA
bureaucrats that will cause huge mischief. This is on top of Energy
and Commerce Chairman Emeritus John Dingell's recent statement that
cap-and-trade is "a great big tax."
The threat of EPA regulation of greenhouse gases under the Clean Air
Act needs to be stopped through simple legislation that prohibits EPA
from regulating greenhouse gases, not used as a pretext to give them
even more power under cap-and-trade. See Grover Norquist's op-ed on
this in today's Washington Times.