BobLl wrote:
"Roger Coppock" wrote in message
11th Warmest April on NASA's 130-year Data Set
We supposedly have a crisis of accelerating warming yet April 2009 has
fallen out of the top ten in warmth. I'm amazed you think this tidbit
supports your case.
In the real world,
outside the fossil fuel industry's spin and lies,
global mean surface temperatures continue to rise.
Please see:
I guess you haven't noticed that the fossil fuel industry has gone
quiet on opposing AGW - for good reason. They've realized that these
crazy cap and trade schemes will artificially raise prices - very
good for the oil companies. They're busy planning how to capitalize
on AGW.
Why do you post a link to a 2008 story citing 2007 data. The cooling
since 2002 is obvious in this data but we've had another 16 months of
cooling since then.
Why do denialists pretend they don't know about temporary cycles when it
suits them, and blame everything on them the rest of the time? lol