Ducking the Point (AGW "settled science")
On May 15, 11:14*am, Bill Carter wrote:
Bruce Richmond wrote:
On May 14, 8:30 pm, Bill Carter wrote:
Bruce Richmond wrote:
So Bill, when are you going to post that link to where the climate
models predicted prior to 1998 that global warming would slow despite
increasing CO2 levels?
No need. You claimed they didn't predict it and I expressed
skepticism. Now I'm waiting for you to post evidence that they
didn't predict it. I don't expect it to ever materialize.
In the other thread you wrote, "I remember seeing those predictions
back at that time." *I say you are making that up. *You made the
You don't seem to understand how this works. If you say something
is red I can refute you merely by saying it isn't red. I don't
have to prove anything or support my statement because you didn't
support yours.
In that thread you said "Your theory isn't as prevailing as you make
it out to be. *It was never proven to be even close to correct. *The
fact that it didn't predict the leveling off of temps after 1998
shows it has major flaws." Now, this is plainly bogus just on the
face of it. The theory can be prevailing even if it doesn't predict
everything with complete accuracy. It merely has to do a better job
than competing theories.
So I said "If it isn't the prevailing theory then what is? Show
evidence that a leveling off temps after 1998 wasn't predicted, I
remember seeing those predictions back at that time."
So now the onus is on you to respond with substance to both of those
challenges. I certainly don't owe anything more until then.
You made the statement, "I remember seeing those predictions back at
that time." To that I am saying you are a liar. Provide proof or we
will all know you made it up.