"clouddreamer" wrote in message
BibsBro wrote:
"clouddreamer" wrote in message
BibsBro wrote:
"Edward Erbeck" wrote in message
It's a bit early for this here. Yesterday at Noon the Relative
Humidity was 7% and the Dew Point was ~20F. Then in the late afternoon
had Moisture wander up from Mexico which resulted in Dry Lightning
Good) and later Rain in the Valley (Good!). Now at 4:06 A.M. Local the
Relative Humidity is 43% and the Dew Point is 44F.
Just a bit Sticky for this kid. But it does make for pretty
Crazy Ed
...and we have a 'frost advisory' tonight in New England.
Heh. And we came within a degree of breaking record highs the last
couple days in Newfoundland....oh...and it's already up to 15 today!

That's cool. I've been to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick on a motorcycle
trip in 1976.
But I haven't seen Newfoundland. It kind of reminds me of Iceland when I
see photos. ;-)
What kind of work do most people do there?
LOL. No...nothing like Iceland. Very much like Nova Scotia except the
coast line is more interesting here 
Huge cliffs!
And we have A LOT more moose.
Are there much forest? I seem to only recall the coastline, because it's so
Our biggest employer is the government! Seriously. The oil industry is
very big with massive oilfields off the coast...and there's the fishery,
logging, mining (one of the world's largest iron ore mine), hydro
generation (yup, we light up much of the NE U.S. 
That's very interesting.
I'm into none of it. I retired young from the army and now enjoy 10 acres
of peace and quiet a few minutes from St. John's.
God bless you!
We must change the way we live,
or the climate will do it for us.