Colin Youngs wrote:
"Howard Neil" schreef in bericht
: I notice that even Darren Prescott
: has now stopped posting his daily model interpretation in this group.
: Yet he still posts it in UK Weatherworld. Is that perhaps an indication
: that he has decided that this group has decayed too far?
On 17th May, Darren mentioned a problem which prevented him from posting to
Usenet via his ISP. He now posts via Google. Is your access to the NG
perhaps set up to exclude postings via Google ?
Ah yes, thank you for that information, Colin. I do, indeed, exclude
postings from Google in order to avoid all the spam. It is a shame that
an excellent poster like Darren should also be victim to this but at
least I have access to his excellent daily posts in UK Weatherworld.
Darren, if you are reading this; sorry.
Howard Neil