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Old May 23rd 09, 04:13 PM posted to sci.environment,sci.physics,alt.culture.alaska,sci.geo.meteorology
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Default Solar Cycle 25 To End Man Made Climate Change Myth

Solar Cycle 25 To End Man Made Climate Change Myth
May 21, 2009
-with comments from Piers Corbyn

There have been various emergency economic proposals put forward
recently, in that, in order to save Mankind from an overheating Earth,
we need to stop runaway greenhouse gases that are apparently warming
the planet, namely CO2. The life saving idea is that we should modify
our industrial output, by using less of this very poisonous and toxic
substance, and then use an even more dramatic accounting method to
share the pollution equally with those nations who "have" and those
who "have not".

The economic cost or loss involved has little or nothing to do with
the outcome, as doing "something" to save Mankind from the destruction
of our planet far outweighs doing "nothing".

It all sounds fantastic, but in fact it's just another ideological
panacea to keep up the momentum that man is changing the Earth's
climate to such an extent that unless the Human race do something now,
we are all going to die. It's become another version of the Hans
Christian Andersen's story "The Emperor's New Clothes". The Emperor,
or to use this analogy, the principal so called climate scientists,
are on display to most of the main stream media, the media in turn
misinform the public at large that the Emperor is looking great in his
new clothes in spite of being totally naked. Naked being the
description used for a complete lack of scientific evidence to support
this label of scientific office.

Science has a history of fighting for the truth, just like good and
evil, regretfully this is just another drawn out battle between the
respective parties, who are involved to justify their aims and
objectives. But now the story has taken an unexpected "twist", in
that, you would have seen far less of an argument for the "Climate
Realists" if it was not for the Sun being unexpectedly quiet during
the past year and a half, and the implications of this are profound
for each and every one of us, at last there is a voice in the crowd
saying, why is the Emperor naked!

The "Climate Realist" have a well deserved lucky break, be it, we are
moving out of one scenario and into another, or put another way, we
could be jumping from the fictitious frying pan straight into a

The IPCC/UN models have failed so many times you would have thought
good old "common sense" would have prevailed by now, in that, the "Man
Made " theory does not work. The fact of the matter is, the media are
supporting a spurious theory and in turn misleading the public at
large, they even go to great lengths' to report the models are doing
what they all expected them to do, I have even known them to say
"cooling is a sure sign of warming"!

The Earth's history is very revealing on solar activity and our
climate, less activity on the Sun results in "Global Cooling" and more
activity results in "Global Warming". Somehow this simple rule of
"thumb" has not made an appearance to those people directly involved
with "Man Made Climate Change" (MMCC).

And here is the reason why.

In times of low solar activity the Earth has more "dust" in its
atmosphere, the MMCC analysis show this as a spurious "coincidence".
The principal climate scientists go on to say that volcanic "dust" was
the reason behind times of "Global Cooling" and not the coincidental
low solar activity.

This is what they say about the Dalton Minimum period from 1790 to
1839, during this time there was extra volcanic activity, and the dust
from the eruptions reduced the effect of the Sun on the Earth.

At no stage was it put forward that the period of low solar activity
was the "cause" of the Earth being more susceptible to tectonic plate
movements. It's another example of the IPCC/UN showing the "Effect
being the "Cause".

If you now accept that our climate is determined by the activity on
the Sun, you must also accept that people can forecast the future from
observed solar data rather then from the spurious analysis of "Man
Made Climate Change".

I recently put this question of low solar activity and tectonic plate
movement to Astrophysicist Piers Corbyn of WeatherAction, who
specialize in Solar wind forecasts, and use their models for climate
predictions on the Earth weather system's, these show a very high
accuracy in long range weather forecasts, and here is what he said....

"Think of a freight train moving, or being "active", the journey is
fairly constant with not too many collisions between the separate
carriages, but when the train is stationary or "non active" each
carriage will collide as the train starts to move.

I can forgive anyone for not understanding this analogy for the first
time, as it's the reverse of what you think. In that, a non active Sun
affects the Earth more often, but why?

The answer to that is...

An "Active" Sun is a healthy Sun, in that, the frequency of "spots"
indicates the patient has come through the illness and what you see on
the surface of the Sun is just like what you would see after someone
has had measles, the condition of the patient with spots is after the

So, a "quiet" Sun is when you would expect to find far more magnetic
disturbances on the Sun, and more tectonic plate movement on the

So, what does this all mean for the title of this news blog? It simply
means that as we approach Solar Cycle 25 (appx 2019) the Earth will
continue to gradually cool from is 1998 peak due to the lack of solar
activity. As far as the "myth" of "Man Made Climate Change", the
public at large will wake up to the realization of a "cooler" climate
in a modern world, in so doing, they will probably disregard any
information presented to them by the media that supported the "Man
Made" myth.

The media have a responsibility to report to the public a balanced
objectiveness, they also should voice skeptical points of view. We
have come through a period in history that has shown this not to be
the case; it's thanks to the World Wide Web that there is now a voice
in the crowd.