[OBS]Whipsnade Obsy, Beds, Mon 25 May 2009
0850z ESE F4 60km 3Ac080 8As130 14.6/07.0 1017.1
RMK: Isol spots of rain 0955-1000. Very different Ac
character in different parts of the sky ... some lentic,
a little modest cast, some mammatiform
Obsy 09-09: Tx 22.0 Tn 9.5 Tg 6.9 RR nil
Lodge09-09: Tx 21.9 Tx 9.8 Tg 7.8 RR nil sss 14.8h
(noteworthy for a CS sunshine recorder still 4 weeks
short of the solstice)
Philip Eden
Whipsnade Obsy 229m Lodge 214m