[OBS] Romsey - Wednesday 27th May 2009
Gloomy, wet, breezy and very cool. An ideal morning for
shopping in town as the poor weather has kept the hoards
away. Onset of rain 0755Z, mainly lower end of moderate
intensity since.
SYNOP 27/1150Z
03/// 11356 82113 10112 20098 40219 57017 60041
76362 8752/ 333 85708 86618 88540=
EG// 271150Z 21013KT 6000 RA BKN008 BKN018
OVC040 11/10 Q//// GRN=
wind... SW by S, force 4.
visibility... 6km.
weather... continuous moderate rain.
clouds... St, Sc and Ns.
dry bulb... +11.2C.
dewpoint... +9.8C.
RH... 91%.
sea level pressure... 1021.9mb (falling).
rainfall last hour... 1.1mm.
6 hour rainfall (0600-1200Z)... 4.0mm.
beaufort letters (1050-1150Z)... crr.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)