[OBS] Romsey - Wednesday 27th May 2009
Persistent drizzle has added little to the mornings rainfall
total and there was even a suggestion of some brightness
and drying out of hard surfaces during a more intermittent
drizzle phase. The pre-midday cool feel has leant towards
mugginess as both the temperature and dewpoint climbed
this afternoon.
SYNOP 27/1150Z
03/// 11356 82113 10112 20098 40219 57017 60041
76362 8752/ 333 85708 86618 88540=
SYNOP 27/1750Z (current ob)
03/// 11350 82509 10141 20125 40222 53013 60042
75165 885// 333 10143 86709 88615=
EG// 271750Z 25009KT 5000 -DZ BKN009 OVC015
14/13 Q//// GRN=
wind... WSW, force 3.
visibility... 5000m.
weather... continuous slight drizzle.
clouds... St and Sc.
dry bulb... +14.1C.
dewpoint... +12.5C.
RH... 90%.
sea level pressure... 1022.2mb (rising).
rainfall last hour... trace.
6 hour rainfall (0600-1200Z)... 4.0mm.
12 hour rainfall (0600-1800Z)... 4.3mm.
max temp today... +14.3C.
beaufort letters (1650-1750Z)... cdodo.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)