On Tue, 02 Jun 2009 22:00:19 -0700, Roger Coppock wrote:
GoSat (Ibuki) Satellite Maps Global CO2 Forcing Previous Models Based on
Ground Data Confirmed
Measuring the heat trapped by CO2 in the atmosphere at a single location
with an infrared spectrophotometer was a simple exercise that would
appear at high school level science fairs. Before the Japanese GoSat
(Ibuki) satellite, extending that one site measurement to cover the
entire Earth would require an expensive network of stations. Please
also see:
They're measuring the concentrations, not the "heat trapped":
begin quote
The attached diagrams show initial analyses of clear-sky carbon dioxide
and methane column averaged dry air mole fraction (Note) over land for
the period April 20-28, 2009. These carbon dioxide and methane data show
a hemispheric gradient, with largest values in the Northern Hemisphere,
broadly in agreement with existing ground-based measurements.
end quote
I see no claims that they are showing CO2 is actually affecting surface
temperatures, or that there is any "forcing".
Is Roger deliberately trying to mislead readers, or is he just clueless?
Or, more likely, both?