West Moors/E.Dorset overnight 6th/7th June, 2009
"Jim Smith" wrote
Two very loud crashes here in Bournemouth around 0115 local, the
first of which woke me up with such a fright that it took me till
around 0400 to get back to sleep! Normally the more distant rumbles
will have woken me first as I am a light sleeper at the best of
.... In this case, I don't think we had any distant rumbles. Looking
back at the various archives, the sferics seem to pop-up as the
high-intensity/EMBD line-convection rainfall developed across the
Poole/Bournemouth/Purbecks area, swinging north; I was listening-out
for advance warning, but the first indication we got was the 0008Z
'sheet'-then-extended rumble, followed by a couple more.
Martin Rowley
West Moors, East Dorset (UK): 17m (56ft) amsl
Lat: 50.82N Long: 01.88W
NGR: SU 082 023