On Jun 12, 11:22*pm, Weatherlawyer wrote:
The background noise is 5.5 M "whatevers" for negative North
Pacific and Atlantic anomalies combined.
As there is a certain lack of convergence.
So here is another set of permutations:
A state where both oceans are negative, giving the above results.
One where the Atlantic is negative and the Pacific is positive (I
think this indicates a surge of Hawaiian volcanic activity.)
Another where the Pacific is negative and the Atlantic is positive.
And one where both oceans are positive. (Lots of convergence above and
below ground.)
For positive anomalies: According to the height and depth of the sea
level pressures, the likelihood for runs of greater than 6 M. increases
with the contrast of air pressure systems at sea level.
5.1 * *2009/06/12 14:33 * * *17.4S. * * * * *167.6N. * * Vanuatu
6.0 * *2009/06/12 09:44 * * *17.6S. * * * * *167.7N. * * Vanuatu
5.0 * *2009/06/12 09:25 * * *17.5S. * * * * *167.7N. * * Vanuatu
5.0 * *2009/06/12 08:48 * * *17.5S. * * * * *167.7N. * * Vanuatu
So this 6.0M. was pushing it.
When we have 4 medium sized quakes showing up consecutively
at almost the same location.
It has the same effect as a much larger quake. The weather changes
with very large quakes. Contemporary models and such come
"right" (possibly needing less correction. I wish I could say.)
I haven't checked the Atlantic sea level charts but I have no doubt
that there were a sequence of parallel occlusions accompanying one or
two Lows predicted before the Vauatuans occurred.
But only one pair of parallels as far s I know. And that with a 997 mb
Low just west of the UK. I have no doubt* that this Low was some 80
degrees from Vanuatu when the series occurred.
But I have not checked my facts. I'd bet too that in another part of
the ocean or in the N Pacific some 80 degrees from said series there
is the other pair on file.
There is one for midnight on this site:
Zeigen for the 13th June
A pair indicates that the meteorological storms are ended. That is,
there will be no more tornadoes; and three indicates that the storms
extant are ended but that another is due to scale up.
4 of them is something quite rare.
Pity this set was flawed. But talking about convergence. They were
some 5 or 6 minutes apart:
If they had all arrived on time it would have been a very large quake.
Contemporary theory has it that magnitudes don't add up in the same
way I'd put them and I don't intend to find out what they consider the
increase would be. It was on line once as that is where I read it.
Anyone except Dawlish wishing to follow it up can do so at their
leisure. I imagine Dawlish would eat his teeth before finding out
anything, even if he knew how.
But I am being unkind to an unfortunate. I should be more generous. He
provides so much entertainment. I hope he doesn't hang himself in his
desponderence one day, when he could be trained with so little effort.
Do they have trains at Exitdoor?
I'm sure they do. Let's hope the driver knows him.