Some Permutations.
On Jun 13, 7:06*pm, Weatherlawyer wrote:
Every morning a minute pressure difference follows the sun. Presumably
there is one that follows the moon as it is a cold wave at 6 am and
warm one at 9 am. Also presumably this wave occurs at noon and 6 and 9
I don't know if it can be measured for all the other background
changes but early in the days of admiralty log books providing the
weather data that people like FitZroy tried to work with, a certain
mid Atlantic island governor studied the phenomenon and deduced such a
wave from statistical analysis.
A small step from that is looking at the Atlantic chart every 6 hours
and watching these small pressure waves build up. I don't pretend to
know their cause but you really can see Low pressure regions develop
as these things converge.
This is what I mean when I use the term. I have no real idea what the
more knowledgeable understand about it. Nor do I care over-much.
Likewise when a series of waves sound waves reach a certain point
under the earth where they can meet and reinforce other sets of waves
arriving there from different directions, the peaks and troughs
produced have a frequency of their own.
Sometimes these are barely noticeable. Sometimes they peak as small
tremors, sometimes as larger ones and sometimes as catastrophic
And the weather changes.
Permutations of these effects are tornadoes, volcanic eruptions and
above cloud lightning. Too little is known and almost nothing is
reported on the latter phenomenon to make conjugation with lunar
phases possible.
Since it IS possible to show a relationship between the other stuff
(one only has only to look for a series of the right lunar phases
running consecutively for that.) it is possible to work out what the
weather should be doing when it palpably is not doing what it should.
It doesn't take much experience to form the idea that a run of certain
weather should bring a devastating phenomenon. Since these usually
occur at the end of the run the time to watch out for them is towards
the end of the last of the similar phases.
Although the present run, now ending has been a wet spell or series of
spells, the type of wet spells has differed one from the other. But we
should still be able to see something interesting as the next phase
takes hold on the earth.
The 29th of June 2009, should be an interesting distraction as it
breaks the spell temporarily:
29 JUNE 11:28 A spell of fine weather with ridges dominating part of
the spell.
7 JULY *09:21 An unstable thundery spell of the sort that didn't
produce much thunder IIRC from the 25th April.
15 JULY 09: 53 And this one is some 30 minutes different from the last
which is quite a near miss for lunar phases which are seldom that
obliging in producing matches.
I think even smallbrain should be able to follow that, and I don't
mean that in the way he usually runs up one's backside after every
But W. For the hundredth time. If all this works, why can't you use it
to predict??