Nick wrote:
Looks like that minor frontal feature shown on the Met Office charts
has just passed over the Southampton area. There appears to be a trace
amount of rain associated with it, but more notable is the "day gloom"
which has reduced light levels typical to those of sunset and turned
lighting on the exterior of a nearby building on, around 15 mins ago,
more than an hour before sunset and earlier, relative to sunset, than
any recent wet evenings. Seems to be clearing from the northwest now.
Further westwards from you it hasn't been that bad with sunny intervals this
afternoon. Mind you, the breeze was a tad on the cool side.
Only was out in the garden for a short while but got sunburnt, and this was
when the weather was relatively cloudy. Work that one out, I lie in the sun
under cloudless skies down on the beach for hours and don't get burnt, but
potter about in the garden for a little bit and get toasted.
A day max of 19.4°C after a rather cool overnight low of 7.9°C. 4.8 hours of
sunshine so far today.
(20:30), 14.2°C, RH 70%, DP 8.9°C, 1019 hPa (R), Wind 7 mph WSW.
Otter Valley, Devon
83 m amsl