Gusts - 30th October 2000
On 20 June, 16:57, David wrote:
On Jun 20, 12:08*pm, Richard Dixon wrote:
Dear All,
A request for data for all you weather observers (more especially
those on the eastern side of England from Yorkshire down to East
Anglia) - just wondering, for those that have data going back that
far, what gusts did you report on that day (30th October 2000)?
I've managed to track down some gusts from the Met Office website, and
also on Roger Brugge's COL summary, just wondered if there were any
more out there.
Was that they day it snowed widely across Northern England, or was
that the 31st?
Hi, David,
What a memory! I only looked back at the wind data and didn't realise
the significance of the date.
You are quite correct. Rain & snow turned to snow overnight 29th/30th
and 5cm lay at Copley 09Z 30th (09Z-09Z rain and snow converted 30.1mm
after 18.5mm for the previous 24hr).
With day max just 5.3C on 30th and the next night -0.6C there was
still 2cm lying 09Z 31st.
Quite an event for me to forget!
Copley, Teesdale, County Durham