[WR] +RA/TL overnight West Moor/E.Dorset 25/26 Jun
.... well, that was fun! Several posters over the recent years have
said how we don't seem to get the 'classic' ex-France storms turning
up in the wee small hours etc., etc. Well, 'with one bound', the storm
last night corrected our woeful rainfall total this month and with the
high humidity, we've also brought the mean minimum up too.
Thunder first heard (distant) ~2350Z, long, rumbling low-frequency,
and from then until ~0130Z (2.30am/BST) vivid sheet & isol CG
lightning with the thunder getting louder/nearer (peak ~ 0030Z),
before trailing off - however, the discharges were never very
frequent, somewhere around 1 discharge/5 minutes at peak.
As the thunder tailed off, the rain, moderate only to that point,
turned heavy and moderate/heavy rain (often only heavy) lasted until
~0430Z, then eased to light or moderate, then finally ceased around
Total rainfall here (non-standard conditions) 25.8 mm: Hurn (nearby)
total of 27.2 mm (to 06Z, but not much after that).
Monthly total here now a healthy 52 mm (Hurn 53 mm), ~94% of the
1971-2000 average.
Martin Rowley
West Moors, East Dorset (UK): 17m (56ft) amsl
Lat: 50.82N Long: 01.88W
NGR: SU 082 023