An overnight shower deposited just 1.1 mm of rain, only enough to damp the
A misty, murky morning after an overnight minimum of 16.0°C. This was the
warmest night since Aug 30th last year (17.2°C).
The sun burnt off the mist by around mid-morning and it has been sunny ever
since with a lovely sea breeze keeping the temperature pegged back a little.
Clear blue skies to the south over Lyme Bay; towering cumulus to the north.
Haven't mown the lawn for 3 weeks now, it appears to have stopped growing
and is taking on that parched look.
This warm and humid weather is perfect for warming the sea up quickly. With
more heat and humidity forecast I would think that the SST will soon be
higher than anything experienced since Aug 2007. Current SST is 17.3°C.
(17:20), 22.6°C, RH 60%, DP 14.4°C, 1012 hPa (S), Wind 6 mph S.
Otter Valley, Devon
83 m amsl