"Rob Bale" wrote in message
Loads of info here Jon.
With regards Meteosat 6 it is envisaged it will continue for some time
beyond 2005 transmitting from 10° East
Hope you're right about MSG 1(Meteosat 8)
Me too, but Meteosat 8 will be old hat by then ;-)
I was only thinking the other day about my old Timestep Meteosat receiver
the joyous moment in 1992 when I received my first 'live' image; although my
dad wasn't having much fun wandering round the front garden carrying a 1m
dish pointed in vain at where Meteosat 'should' be ! Then there was the
times I'd set my humble 386 (25mhz) PC up to receive a day's images only to
find the PC's clock had gone awry and I had s*d all ! The net takes all the
fun out of it :-)
Infact I first saw live images a few years before at college when I decided
to do my final A-level Physics project based around their Meteosat kit. I
spent many happy hours (normally well after closing time) with a dodgy dot
matrix printer, some tracing paper (for overlaying DIY Synoptic charts) and
an aging BBC-B computer.. the tutors weren't impressed though and
consquently marked me down because there wasn't enough physics involved,
probably. I digress, hohum.