WR Wolverhampton
TS in the Penn area of Wolverhampton
Times approx.
From 16.00 to 17.30 light rain off and on. 17.30 to 18.00 torrential
rain. 18.00 to 19.15 heavy rain lessening until stopped at about 19.15.
Thunder heard from 16.30. Frequent T & L from 17.20 to 18.05. Four
loud bangs of thunder (Rumble ain't the word!) that shook the house.
Strangely when I got back home at Wednesfield 6 miles away it was bone dry.
I saw on the MO RADAR that the storm developed and died of in virtually
the same area. Presumably because of very little wind.
When people say that TS are cracking, the storm I’ve just experienced I
would call terrifying, and vicious
Joe Egginton
175m asl