After yesterday's cloudless skies, today has started overcast with just the
odd glimpse of the sun. The rainfall radar keeps hinting that it should be
raining but nothing is making to the ground. Only 14.6 mm of rain since the
6th of June and now everything is very dry.
The dryness of this year is in contrast to the previous few years. Rainfall
for this year to date has been 341 mm. Compare that figure (1st Jan - 27th
Jun) with 2007 = 549 mm and 2008 = 471 mm.
Sunshine for June has now passed 200 hours and brings the total for the year
so far to a rather healthy 915 hours.
(12:20), 20.8°C, RH 64%, DP 13.5°C, 1015 hPa (S), Wind 5 mph SE.
Otter Valley, Devon
83 m amsl