Flash warnings diminished
On Sun, 28 Jun 2009 08:11:51 -0700 (PDT), Richard Dixon wrote in
I can't help thinking though that you'll always be right in your own
mind and discussions with you go round and round in circles, as a
couple of people have mentioned to me off-line.
I'll happily admit to being one of that couple, Rich. Your assessment is
quite correct and you're wasting your time "discussing" with someone who is
always right. Remember the mistake he made when he wrote:
"It was possible to sunbathe between 1200-1400hrs without getting
burned." on a cloudless day at the end of May.
He claims never to make personal attacks yet his subsequent, sometimes
quite nasty posts (e.g. I was a vulture roosting in self-proclaimed morally
high trees, JCW - I remember you well, Joe. I see you are still dropping
out of the trees like you always did!), seemed to convince *him* he hadn't
made an error and that the rest of us were those who were wrong.
Anyway, where I now have to live up at 18,000 feet trees don't even grow
Mike Tullett - Coleraine 55.13°N 6.69°W posted 28/06/2009 22:43:45 GMT