On 30 June, 08:13, Graham Easterling
Deep blue sky this morning, just a few patches of ac. The forecast
rain is way west of Scilly.
MetO may wish to do a bit of nowcasting. The chance of the forecast
rain in Penzance at 10:00 seems fairly minimal, and it's already (at
08:15) reached the forecast max of the day.
Multiscreen forecast also showing rain over west Cornwall at 10:00. In
St Ives it's also a lovely sunny start.
www.nci-stives.org/basiccamera.htm and currently (08:40) 20C even out
on the Island at St Ives. Still fine on Scilly.
The rain to the west is edging in, but it's still fine on Scilly, so
it's a few hours yet before it gets here (if it does)