Plimer's Book Sold Out!
On Jun 29, 12:26*pm, Roger Coppock wrote:
On Jun 28, 7:11*pm, "znoob" wrote:
Connor Court Publishing and Rainbow Book Agencies would like to congratulate
Professor Ian Plimer on his new book Heaven and Earth.
The first print run has sold out.
Since a "printing" could produce any number of copies,
to say a book's "first print run has sold out." could
mean *that the single copy of it sold. *If Bonzo actually
wanted to tell us a fact, he would cite the total
number of copies, not the number of printings sold out.
Evidently, the book did not sell well enough for Bonzo
to tell us the relevant facts.
Out of interest, I wrote as follows to Connor Court Publishing to
enquire further:
I note with interest the claim that Ian Plimer's Heaven & Earth is in
fifth print run. It is claimed by some (relying on Bookscan)that sales
the book are roughly 3200.
I'd like to know which claim is true
How large is each print run for Heaven & Earth? Do you know how many
been *retailed* (as distinct from wholesaled)?
How many have been purchased for libraries and similar? How many
copies are being dsitributed through various organisations?
CCP responded as follows:
Dear Fran
We have printed 33,000
We have sold 5000 alone from our webpage.
Our distributor has 2500 left. Neilsen Bookscan May 2, 2009 had it
number one for independents.
We are selling about 200 a day.
We are unlikely to get any returns as its done on a three month basis
and we have had no returns.
Book was released April 16th. 2 1/2 months.
No idea about libraries.
Anthony Cappello
Assuming the claims are correct they have sold about 16,000 copies,
less 2500 left. As noted though we don't yet know how many will be
returned as Mr Cappello didn't comment on the status of bulk
purchases. It also might well be that the polluters' lobby has put its
hand in its pocket to boost sales. Perhaps they are planning to hand
them out at Christmas parties.
Whatever the figure, one may well ask 'so what?' As noted before,
there are any number of books that trade in science that have done a
lot better -- Chariots of the Gods comes to mind.
Bonzo may enjoy this exercise in disinformation but its total impact
on policy will be zip.