"Anne Burgess" wrote in message
Rubbing my hands with glee!
Can someone explain to me why the lightning I saw at about 3.15 this
afternoon, and several claps of thunder in the next hour, never appeared
on http://www.ukstorms.com/ ?
Moray Firth
Actually just a thought, there may be no Bolteks where you are, the Moray
Firth (which I read when I read your post back again!
Thanks. We don't get that many storms here, but today's pathetic effort
was the second this month.
Having looked at this and other sites like them before I have to say I find
them very unreliable in terms of providing accurate data.
No system of detection is 100% accurate but IMHO there's now 3 good sites
that stand out :-
http://andvari.vedur.is/athuganir/el.../i_dag_na.html (data from the MetO
ATD system)
http://www.euclid.org/realtime.html (delayed data/no time stamp but wide
area of coverage across Europe)
and Meteocentre
I've looked closely at Meteox's offering too but I'm not sure what their
data source is and their sferic 'markers' often don't appear to fit reality.
Or it may be that they're displaced from where they should be on the
All these sites are linked within the sferics section on Metbrief
http://www.metbrief.com/imagery.html (apologies for the plug)