Davis Vantage Pro II
On Jul 2, 9:10*am, mj wrote:
My Davis has started to show gaps in the temperature / Humidity plots,
they seem to be erratic in duration and occurence. The ISS plots look
ok so I think the unit is transmitting OK. Anyone any ideas whats
going on, is the temp unit failing or could it be RF inteference ?.
The display on the LCD also goes missing for these outputs when this
happens, the Barrometer and wind plots are OK during these occurences
(The wind is on a seperate unit and station).
Thanks in advance.
It sounds like a faulty connection somewhere within the transmitter
unit, and the readings are not reaching the data collector at times.
Perhaps due to dirt or corrosion inside?
Going slightly O/T, my Davis has a strange quirk which results in the
max/min temps read on certain mornings will change 24 hours later if I
go back and look at the previous days figures. Only by 0.1 or 0.2 and
sometimes higher, sometimes lower and occasionally no change at all. I
have emailed support about this but they have not yet replied.
Try contacting Davis support either by phone or email, and see what
they say. I hope you have a better response than I have so far.