"Phil Layton" wrote in message
18Z: ESE05KT 1CU 5CI 27/16 Q1013=
RMK: Another steamer Tx 30.5c Dew point up 6c on yesterday.
Awaiting developments tonight - may miss everything lying between the CF
and Trough.
Highest max temp of the year in Romsey so far was attained today,
a sweltering +28.6C. Current dewpoint is similar to your 16C with
a dry bulb of 20C.
Travelling over Pepperbox Hill, southeast of Salisbury shortly before
sunset, I could discern some brooding Ac castellanus on the edge of
vision way off to the southeast through the murk, exhibiting a deep
vermilion colour. Noting earlier middle level clouds to be moving
from SSE to NNW, these turreted clouds may pass close to your
area. Should there be lightning in this haze, will it display any red
or orange hues, I wonder? Might be worth a look after dark... ah,
that's from about now.