Martin Rowley wrote:
"Hugh Newbury" wrote ...
Ppn (standard gauge) 0.0mm last 24hrs
Ppn (standard gauge) 0.0mm this month
... I was just going to write .... " what, no rain last night? ", then
I looked at the radar sequence, and noted that indeed the rain we got
this end of the county [ 0.6 mm here and Hurn ] was part of a linear
formation (orientated NW/SE) that moved bodily north and developed
slightly - completely missing out west Dorset.
Just goes to show that it's not just 'severe' convection that can't be
predicted to small-scale accuracy (see other threads) - even standard
rain-bands are difficult (and always have been of course!)
Martin, No substantial rain here since the 17.6mm on the 25th June. But
I'm hopeful of a drop or two in the next days. Luckily we are on a slope
here with the garden terraced. Water is always just under the surface
and never seems to dry out.
Hugh Newbury