On 3 July, 16:45, Steve J wrote:
On 3 July, 15:17, Alastair wrote:
I was keeping a Iook out all through the conference for Steve, but I
only met him after the conference dinner and the prizes had been
awarded. He received the Michael Hunt award, and so, unlike me, was
wearing a suit as recommended by Andy.http://www.rmets.org/activities/awards/prizes/index.php
Congratulations again Steve.
Yes Alatair, but it was very hot in that suit, but nevertheless, a
pleasure to meet you!
It was a very enjoyable evening, made much more so by meeting up with
several fellow weather enthusiasts; noteworthy amongst these we
Alistair of course, though we will never agree on climate change!
Julian Mayes, erstwhile contributor on uksci.weather and excellent
editor of "Weather" - charming man and an honour for my wife and *I to
sit next to him:-) He duly won an editors' award.
Ernie Pepperdine - once senior met man at Watnall, now chair of the
East Midlands branch of the society. A wonderful man with so many
stories and still fit and spritely at 83.
Professor Slingo of Reading University - daughter of the Headmaster of
our sister school, King Henry VIII, until 1974. Now president of tthe
R Met Soc *- her brothers came to Bablake.
Amanda Maycock - ex Bablake pupil now doing a PhD in meteorology at
I must admit to feling very humble amongst so many top academics,
meteorologists and climatologists - even the top man from the IPCC was
Steve Jackson
Bablake Weather Station
Coventry UKwww.bablakeweather.co.uk
Steve, I think on this occasion it is quite acceptable for you to blow
your own trumpet and explain to all why you were an invited guest of
the Society at the Conference dinner ... !
Stephen Burt
Stratfield Mortimer, Berkshire